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My #OneWord2019: Marketing

“It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.”

Truer words were never spoken.

As I reflect on my professional journey, a few observations immediately surface.

There seems to be two sides of the coin: kids and content (and in that order). How amazing it would be if we not only built strong, healthy relationships with kids and colleagues, but that we also knew our stuff really, really well.

Why is it beneficial to know exactly what we teach and learn? Fluency with standards and literacy in learning processes help us personalize curriculum, differentiate instruction, and facilitate learning experiences for individual learners effectively. As our familiarity with kids and content specifies, we can begin bridging the gap.

And there’s a huge gap between kids and content.

Major obstacles that prevent educators from bridging the gap are considerable, including not knowing our kids in the first place; excessive paperwork; lack of time; the high-stakes testing environment; and resource access, allocation, and curation.

I’m super passionate about bridging the gap between what we’re tasked to teach and the resources with which we’re doing it with efficient communication.

Done well, teaching is hard work. Speaking the same language, creating and accessing user-friendly platforms, and growing literacy in our curricular products and processes can help us invest less time in resource-fetching and more time in building relationships with kids.

The more efficiently we communicate our teaching journeys, the more potential we may have for facilitating quality learning experiences. Maybe sharing is caring, but purposeful sharing can change lives.

As I reflect on my 110 #HamstraHighlights blogs so far, themes are trending in how to say the message and how educators can work together more efficiently to make teaching and learning better for kids.

Therefore, I find myself researching how the message is being marketed. It’s not just about having the right message, it’s about getting the information to the right people when and how they need it. They have to hear it.

What is a message sent if not merely received? It’s not communication.

When the tree falls in the forest, I’m not only begging that we hear it, I’m pursuing eye-witnesses who were there and can relate to exactly what it looked like in action. When I find these educators, I’m adding them to my network to learn and grow alongside them. We know of our standards, objectives, targets, and competencies, but do we know what they look like in action?

Sometimes in education, I wonder: Are we even in the same forest? Or, maybe we just often can’t see the forest for the trees.

It’s 2019. Can we work together to make teaching and learning better?

It’s 2019. Our message means nothing. Unless it’s heard.

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