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Twitter: The Student Portfolio

A librarian once told me that a school’s media center should be the hub of learning in its community.

When I enter a school’s media center today, I see media everywhere, organized by the Dewey Decimal System, or usually a generalized, digital descendant thereof. I see easily-searchable resources and wide-open spaces for exploration. I see unmasked potential for integration, collaboration, and flexible, sustainable longevity.

What I DON’T see? I don’t see learning organized solely by boxes, containers, folders, stacks, grids, drives, codes, logins, or student ID numbers.

#Hashtag180 is a different way to think about how we learn. The Dewey Decimal System of the twenty-first century, #Hashtag180 justifies why twitter is the optimum medium to showcase student learning processes and products.

The archive of student learning has always been there. Whether it be a stack of worksheets in the classroom teacher’s filing cabinet, perfected work samples stuffed in the manila cumulative records file folder year after year, or graded tests that might hang on the fridge or live crumpled in the bottom of a bookbag for at least a week, archiving has its place.

But app-builders and software companies have figured out to profit off of today’s learning spaces. You see, the marketing opportunities aren’t really staked in the archive anymore. The edtech money-maker mechanisms lie in how we share our learning. And kids love to record, be recorded, or have the choice of how to demonstrate their own learning if they don’t want to be on camera. Yet, what most edupreneurs and marketers haven’t totally figured out yet, is how to simultaneously profit from learners telling their learning journey to the world–Over a lifetime. And therein lies the gold.

I’m passionate about archiving and sharing resources for education. For the last five years, I’ve been tweeting examples from learning spaces and real life experiences, and hashtagging them with curriculum objectives. Doing this multiple times a day has been foundational in building my teacher philosophy and portfolio. I have literally memorized the North Carolina K-5 science curriculum, and I can easily see how concepts connect, apply, and extend. That’s so powerful to ME–But for a long time, I’ve also wondered:

Why aren’t our students doing this, too? And why can’t they archive, share, and tell their learning journey through their own student portfolios?

Why Twitter Should Be The Student Portfolio

Twitter is:

Twitter Is NOT:

We Must Send The Message:

How Twitter Should Be The Student Portfolio

Students transform into authentic, lifelong learners when THEY tweet examples from their learning spaces and real life experiences, and hashtag them with curriculum objectives. Doing this multiple times a day will be foundational in building THEIR student portfolio.

Some Advantages To Student Tweeting

Flipping Our Learning Conversations:

It Will NEVER Work

I’m blessed to be surrounded by several, brilliant edtech minds. And they’ve already told me a few [hundred] reasons why this will never work. But I’d much rather have THAT conversation than to become complacent, like traffic-jam-minded drivers accepting the status quo. Yet, we are not stuck–We have opportunities to #becomebetter every day.

The Next Steps

The Risk

It’s Time

It’s time that we start leveraging our resources through the lens of magnifying student learning needs, processes, and successes IN REAL TIME. It’s time we start embracing a different way to think about how we learn.

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