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#Hashtag180 Central


What IS #Hashtag180?

Why, What If, How

#Hashtag180 on the Road

Hashtagging the ISTE Student Standards

Welcome to #Hashtag180 Central!

Find more #Hashtag180 resources here! Check back often–We’re always learning, growing, and updating.

History: In August, 2013, I joined twitter just to have a digital space to store hashtagged resources to make my teaching better. Today, this hashtag system is a growing movement in education curation.

Launch: I have been hashtagging curriculum standards and objectives since way before 2013. A few years later, I officially named the process and launched #Hashtag180 on April 15, 2017.

Mission: Make teaching and learning better by capturing, sharing, and connecting our learning journey thru standards-based hashtags.

Mission Objectives Defined:

  • Capture: To capture and store resources, classified, sorted, and searchable by curriculum standards hashtags.
  • Share: Exchanging resources, strategies, and ideas with fellow educators via standards-based hashtags to make teaching and learning better.
  • Connect: Connecting the school to the community, connect with fellow educators, and grow your professional learning network and by celebrating your specific journey of learning.

How #Hashtag180 Works: Whenever you create, capture, or discover a resource that can help learners or supplement learning, hashtag it with the specific standards-based hashtag, and post it on social media. Do this at least once a day (on a 180-day school calendar, for example).

Disclaimers: #Hashtag180 is completely FREE! Let’s make learning visible, together.


  • The #Hashtag180 App: The official #Hashtag180 app is launched at #ncties2020 on March 5, 2020!
  • #WhyIBlog: Beyond My Standards: Knowing the standards I’m required to teach and learn helps. Knowing the standards of my administrators, specialists, and fellow colleagues better connects us all.
  • How Do You Evaluate Resources?: Are you allowed to use school or district money to purchase that resource? Justify your invested with the standards-based context.
  • The Archive: Did you know that Twitter is a huge, searchable archive? How do you search? What if you personalized your own archive?